The Language Experience Approach (LEA)

The LEA is a good way to begin writing with your student. LEA is not only a supportive way to develop language capabilities, but this activity develops immediate interest, as most students like to relate stories from their experiences.

The Language Experience Approach With Adults:

With the very beginning student, you might have to act as scribe, transferring your student's story with a pencil or keyboard in her exact words, including grammar mistakes. (Later you will edit the story with her, allowing her to make key changes in vocabulary and guiding her in correcting spelling or punctuation.)

Encourage your student to copy the story or choose a few words to learn to spell. Click here for a few tips on teaching spelling to adults: As she becomes more adept at handling a writing instrument, be it pencil or keyboard, encourage her to write her own sentences, then her own stories.

For detailed directions in writing and LEA, go to "How to Create a Language Experience Story":

Optional Reading:

Teacher to Teacher: Language Experience Activities for Adult Reading Instruction

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