Answer Key to Self Check for Unit Three

1. False Most learners do not write because they feel self conscious about their inability to spell, their poor handwriting, or their writing skills in general.

2. False Writing is critical both at work and at home, especially these days when emails have become an essential tool for communication.

3. True In prewriting, learners activate their prior knowledge. They begin to think about the main ideas they want to convey and the vocabulary they will use to express their ideas.

4. False There are many steps to writing, including developing motor skills in order to use a pen or keyboard.

5. False It is important to get the flow of ideas down on paper. Encourage your student to start writing at first. You can show her how to revise in the later stages of writing.

6. True When you encourage your learner to write, you are encouraging her to communicate her own ideas and thoughts on a topic.

7. True Even when your student is not yet able to put her own thoughts on paper, in a language experience story, she will use her own words and ideas to express her thoughts.

8. False Making corrections is a static process; it looks for fault and error. It will completely stop the flow of ideas.

9. True Have your student practice typing on a keyboard or using a pen or pencil so that the actual act of writing becomes easier.

10. True Writing lists and filling out forms are important writing activities that have as much validity as, for example, writing letters or poems.